buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title Coops & Moos: Puns, Pigeons & Cows Galore! style.css header class hero nav div Coops & Moos class logo div class mobile-menu-btn span span span div class nav-links a Puns href #puns a Cow Facts href #cows a Pigeon Facts href #pigeons main section id puns class pun-section h2 Udderly Amazing Puns div class pun-grid div class pun-card h3 Why don't cows have money? p Because farmers milk them dry! div class pun-card h3 What do you call a pigeon that can't find its way home? p A lost caws! div class pun-card h3 What did the mama cow say to the baby cow? p It's pasture bedtime! section id cows class facts-section h2 Moooving Cow Facts div class fact-grid div class fact-card h3 Super Sniffers p Cows can smell things up to 6 miles away! div class fact-card h3 BFFs p Cows form close friendships and get stressed when separated! div class fact-card h3 Memory Masters p Cows can remember over 100 different cow faces! section id pigeons class facts-section h2 Coo-l Pigeon Facts div class fact-grid div class fact-card h3 Speed Demons p Pigeons can fly at speeds up to 77 mph! div class fact-card h3 Math Wizards p Pigeons can learn abstract mathematical rules! div class fact-card h3 Navigation Pros p Pigeons use Earth's magnetic field to navigate! footer div class footer-content p Made with love for animal enthusiasts and pun lovers everywhere script.js